Technical maintenance of aircraft and aircraft engines
Самарский университет

Стоимость обучения на курсе составляет 3600 рублей. Более подробную информацию об обучении и порядке оплаты можно запросить по электроной почте: cdot@ssau.ru.
Обучение для студентов Самарского университета - бесплатное. Для записи студентов на курс преподавателю необходимо заполнить заявку и подготовить список студентов с указанием их ФИО, электронного адреса и номера группы. Список необходимо отправить отдельным файлом Excel по адресу: cdot@ssau.ru.
About the course
In this course you will learn about civil aviation in the Russian economy, the role of an engineer of aircraft technical maintenance, and training facilities and benefits at Samara University
Course program
Module 1. Introduction. Introductory lesson. The importance of aviation. The state of things in Russian civil aviation. Form.
Module 2. Aviation Engineering Service. Aviation-related jobs. Aircraft Engineering Service.
Module 3. Brief description of the aircraft and helicopter structures. Airframe. Power Plant. Landing Gear. Controlling the Aircraft. Power Supply Systems. Fuel System.
Module 4. Types of aircraft maintenance services. Types of aircraft maintenance services. Aircraft maintenance and repair.
Module 5. Interesting facts about training students. Vocational training.
Module 6. Job prospects for our University graduates. Job prospects for our University graduates. Conclusion.
High-school mathematics and physics
Target audience
High-school students, to-be students, first year students of the major in «Technical maintenance aircraft and aircraft maintenance»
Направления подготовки
25.03.01 Техническая эксплуатация летательных аппаратов и двигателей
1 зачетная единица
After completing the course, students will know:
- The state of the civil aviation of the Russian Federation, and its tasks;
- Majors popular in the Russian civil aviation;
- The role of maintenance engineers to ensure the flights of aircraft;
- Types and features of maintenance and repair of aircraft;
- Benefits of training at Samara University;
- Possible scope of activities of Samara University graduate with a major in "Technical maintenance of aircraft and aircraft engines